How it works

Record your songs
Record the different parts for the songs

Rehearse your part
Only hear the parts you want to listen to – simply mute the rest

Invite friends
Create choruses and invite your chorus members
About the app
ChorusClass is virtual choir app that makes it easy for chorus members to practice at home, at school, at work or anywhere, with a smartphone or tablet. By practicing between rehearsals, you can spend more time singing together during rehearsal.
Record voice or instrument parts in our multi-track recorder and share the arrangements with the choir – your members get instant access so they can start practicing.
Free Trial
For trying the app
When you signup for ChorusClass, you get one month of free trial to try out all features in PRO. After that you can decide whether you want to subscribe to Plus, Pro or get a bundle for your choir.
$ 3.49 / month
For Singers
This is for singers who want to use ChorusClass frequently with nifty features to help them rehearse.
- Practice & Record songs
- Metronome
- Cloud Backup
- Record any amount of songs
- Membership in any amount of choruses
- Looping Songs
- Half Volume option for tracks
- View PDFs uploaded to songs
$ 7.49 / month
For Directors / Admins
This is for admins who want to share their songs with others.
- Everything in plus
- Create choruses
- Invite friends to practice your songs
- Collaborate with other PRO users by recording different parts of the same song